Koi might not be the smartest but he is really funny, maybe even the funniest in your class. He is very enjoyable to hang around with and generally a nice person. Also he is a eshay
Koi Is Very Funny
by Fjfjfhensjdifivibib April 27, 2019
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a word used to describe the extent/intensity of awesome-ness something holds
by KoiMe May 19, 2011
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the coolest and most amazing person. she's funny and caring and there's no way you don't enjoy her company <3
i strongly believe in koy supremacy
by aim lel January 7, 2021
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A Sexual Maneuver involving a boss who has been sexually harassing their employee. The employee has to sleep with the boss and upon reaching climax, look into their eye and say, "I'm suing you".
You know the groping boss? Derp pulled The Koi on him and got 1.3 million in damages.
by i_am_the_koi March 30, 2015
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dude im so koi on that guys deal, captain koi.
by antrochrist666 April 22, 2013
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A Iu Mien name sometimes named by Iu Mien parents so they could have a male child after the child named Koy. Also Koy is a female Iu Mien name. Also confused by the Koi fish.
Hey what's your middle name?
You mean Koy like the fish? As in -K-O-I-?
No as in Iu Mien Koy as in -K-O-Y-
Oh so not the Koi fish?
by MatchGirl April 10, 2012
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another word for saying okay but a little bit more agressive and annoyed.
science teacher: you have 10 minutes to write this essay
me: *as loud as possible* KOI
by penisbuttaidsass October 17, 2018
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