Keebler is another word for hipster that does not carry the same negative pejorative connotation. That kid riding his bike through Wicker Park with a u-lock tucked in the back pocket of his skinny jeans? That girl in the vintage dress selling her homemade empanadas at a Williamsburg farmer's market? They're keeblers, and proud.
I know that bar is a huge keebler hangout but the drinks are cheap and the jukebox is loud.

I totally made out with that cute keebler girl with the lip piercing after the kickball game.
by Lorena Cupcake June 19, 2010
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Keeblers are trashy looking festy girls or boys, often wearing furry leg warmers, and elfin like clothing found for sale at festivals like Earthdance. Keeblers are often fucked up on Molly, Acid, or Mushrooms on a daily basis. Activities Keeblers enjoy are womp womp music, orgies, spinning fire, hooping and sweaty cuddle puddles. You often find them at Raves and Dubstep shows around town.
Julie: "Did you see that keebler out there on the dance floor?"

Kayce: "Yeah... she is totally keebin' in those fur boots and fuzzy bear hat, totally high on Molly."

Julie: "Look at all her keebler friends over there."

Kayce: "Imagine the sweaty cuddle puddle they'll end up in after this show."

Julie: "Gross."
by Jucily June 20, 2011
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The act of clearing a dance floor. Usually done by a Dj with horrible music selection or an infatuation with Pitbull.
Dude, Fronteras was crackin last night until that short DJ keeblered the dance floor!!!
by The voice of Alhambra November 17, 2013
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After a long night of sex, a woman wakes up to find the man dissappeared and only a cookie left for her.
Oh no! I've been Keeblerized! Not again!
by Keebmeister December 7, 2003
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Slang I coined. Refers to that wanna be white guys who hangs out at Inner City (All Black) night clubs.

A Club Cracker
Yo check out dat Keebler trying to Pop n lock.
Look like dat muh-fuh got da eplepsy or sumpin'
by Mark Smith December 3, 2004
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Oral sex from a midget. Preferably fellatio.
Man, I just got a keebler from one of Santa's helpers!
by Mastiboy November 30, 2006
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A rare strain of potent Cannabis. Keebler Kush is known for its cookie after taste and giddy high.
well damn, these keeblers are dense pebbles
by ahusain October 31, 2009
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