Someone who has really bad breath to the point where you cant stand close to them without your nose suffering.
Guy 1:Ugh Hunter's breath stinks
Guy 2: I know right, he is such a hot breath humbo
by SackBoi246 August 25, 2020
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When one's breath smells as if small rodents and boofonky have been roasting inside. Creating a Hot Breath Oven (HBO)
Person 1: HO MAH LAWD! Did you smell that librarian's breath?!

Person: YES! My goodness. It was was smelling like Hot Breath Oven (HBO)!
by Nielypoo July 21, 2010
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The smell of a dog's breath that will make any person around it involuntarily gag.
Macy, you stinky dog! You have hot trash breath!
by funflinnie January 7, 2012
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When someone is standing near you, with dry, (hot) and smelling like your dog just shit in your back yard BREATH!
"Hey Katie, will you stop leaning over me, your going to knock me out with you MAD HOT SHIT BREATH!"
by Mane Bunter January 25, 2007
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when a person, likely someone you're attracted to, has hot breath but for some reason the very nature of them having hot breath turns you on.
Duante: Ms. Pounall is so damn sexy plus she has that hot beef taco breath that i love
by DuanCulo aka Duante Amorculo January 4, 2015
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Term for when someone comics up short and completely costs their team the win. A much more extreme form of choking.
Toni: Brad, did you actually get zero kills that round you hot dog water breath looking ass?
by LargeDavid April 1, 2021
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