A man with a well-coffed haircut that he uses primarily in his function as a salesman. He is always a republican but is just one firing away from the welfare lines. He is waiting for his parents to die so he can quit work and drink scotches for the rest of his life.
That dude John is a real haircut. He is just a handsome flunky that old broads think is darling.
by call it as it is January 18, 2005
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Noun, plural. Another way to describe a group of hipsters. Refers to the type of haircut now seen on many. Examples include dramatic sweeping bangs that cover both eyes and half the face, a fauxhawk, or mullet. Moderately derogative term as it is meant to make fun of the often seen and now unoriginal style.
"Hey, did you go see that new indie band at Popscene on Thursday?"

"Yeah, the haircuts were all there"

by supercuts August 28, 2006
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A way for parents to fucking mutilate your head. For middle to lower class blue collar families, usually done so Bubba can get a nice buzzcut ot in my casr, top keep em "from gettin too emo on us...hahahaha!
I had my hair cut because it was "in my eyes, ive never heard such bullshit
mom:hey zack let's go to sportsclips to get your scalp raped i mean get a haircut!

me:how about you save me some time and cut my wrist now!
by zack the former emo May 17, 2007
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a slang term meaning to pop off for a sly wank when friends and family think you are somewhere else.
"Where's John?"

"Oh, he's gone for a haircut!"

"Dirty wanker!"
by Anonymous February 24, 2003
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A haircut is a receiving a completely different style or cutting off several inches of one's hair. This is different than the trimming of one's hair, which is by definition, trimming off the split ends.
Emily will be giving Joe a haircut when he loses their CPA exam bet.
by tcufrog08 July 20, 2008
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a homosexual woman's haircut, ie.. mullet
Ole girl has the haircut.
by j crench September 14, 2007
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Gay activities in a bathroom behind Hooters
Don got a haircut last night after supper
by Don powell January 23, 2023
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