Word of french Canadian origin. In the province of Quebec, usually refers to a man's testicles. Outside of Quebec, has a broader range of meaning to include most of a man's genital area (penis or testicles).
Oh man, Jonny took that pitch right in the gosse!
by DJKham July 23, 2008
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An act that occurs when you're about to hook up with a girl and someone intervenes, not only cockblocking you, but hooking up with that girl as well. A notable feature of a goss is the subtlety of the act, as it normally occurs when you

have your back turned or in any case when you temporarily focus attention away from your potential hook-up.
If I get gossed one more time, I'm going to cockslap the next random dude that walks by me.
by imacbsfn November 10, 2009
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1> To be lied to, have your money taken, and given to someone else.

2> Financial suppression of a geographic area by one of it's own to make young people move away.

3> What is being done to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia by MLA Gordie Gosse an elected politician.
He lied and put taxes up 2%, he totally GOSSED the people that voted for him.
by Hurtbyhightaxes April 23, 2011
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When a person steals your lady friend. When you're gone for a split second and she gets taken by another person.
My friend gossed my prom date on his boat.
by haneiac November 17, 2009
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An 80's word for "spit" in Warwickshire
don't "goss" at me you spaz

dirty cow likes to "goss" on ya
by stuchka March 2, 2009
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The art of manipulating the Toyota schedule to give yourself a day off because the Toyota month ends on a Monday, but everyone gets a day off the next week for a holiday.
Jim took his normal day off this week when everyone else is working everyday because he is working the following Monday to close out the month, but everyone gets a day off on Thursday for the Fourth of July. That is gossing at its finest.
by Gossing June 29, 2019
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