Gambling:the anime,go down horrendous for some pixels and possibly suffer triying to get them,specially if ur f2p
i've spent far more time in GENSHIN IMPACT then i would've' liked to
by i has cripling debt August 28, 2022
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Ben: Hey I just started playing Genshin Impact!
Jim: Oh no, the transformation's startin-
Ben: *turns into neckbeard*
by June 30, 2022
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A popular game amongst weebs. Weebs that prefer fictional animated women over real women tend to play this game and no other game. Studies show that most of these species of weebs that play this game haven’t pulled a girl ever since they picked this game up.
Guy 1: “Hey man, when we get home you tryna play Genshin Impact?”

Guy 2: “Oh yeah for sure man!”

Guy 1: “Les goo. I don’t know why but every time I play this game I get an erection cause these characters are so hot.”

Guy 2: “weeb filth
by perc O_o June 1, 2021
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The game that is full of mystery, misery, questions, answers, excitement, happiness, sadness, regret, anger, stubbornness, MONEY, DONG, DADDYS, MILFS, LOLIS, and bennett's Q.
;Do you play rpg?

;Yeah i play genshin impact and I'm now broke lol
by dongcollector November 25, 2020
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A very good game by all means that is developed by miHoYo and is tailored to weebs and non-weebs alike.
Kaeya: "Oh, you play Genshin Impact? I see you are a man of culture as well."
by Josuke H October 6, 2020
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An game about finding your twin in some fantasy thing world, the players probaly use their whole bank account for the gamble feature named ''wish''.
alex: hey, how many money have u spend on the trendy game genshin impact?
nick: whole bank account!
alex. whoaaa...thats a lot!
by lalinroos May 13, 2022
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