1. Another way of saying, "Fuck that shit" When you disagree with someone.
Girl: Hey want to go see Twilight: Breaking Dawn??

Guy: Fuck that noise!

Girl: What is that suppose to mean?!

Guy: it means, whatever noise you just made....Fuck it!
by tooYokedforThis December 2, 2011
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(FTN) Means you don't like what someone is saying to you, usually in a negative way. Or you hear bad news.
Lou: Eric you suck at this game.

Eric: Fuck that noise son.
by TheGreatOneEM January 13, 2011
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(Phrase) A profane way to say "I differ with your idea or plan." Or "That particular suggestion is not to my liking or preference." When using this phrase you are excluding yourself as a participant from whatever it is that is about to go down.
LaQueafa: ....yeah so Devonne had axed me do I wanna let his baby momma sista cousin Tracey use my car.
Leroy: And what did you say?
LaQueafa: I was like,"Fuck all THAT noise...you betta axe somebody!

Joe: So babe, when you gonna let me in through the backdoor??

Rhonda: Fuck all THAT noise!!!!
by rhonda October 2, 2004
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(N.) An Adult Swim Catchphrase that signals that the ACTION portion of the show is about to come up. It's also really funny to say to people who don't know the original setup. (some Dutch poem/quote about some noise or something.)
Fuck That Dutch Noise! Fuck That Dutch Noise! Fuck That Dutch Noise!
by G-Union December 9, 2003
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A phrase over-used by immature little kids and teens who think they are black, but usually arn't. Usually accompanied by snobbishness, bitchiness, and also often whores.
Person 1- "Your so slutty you fucked like 20 guys!"

Person 2- "Fuck all that noise!"
by King Crunk<3 April 30, 2010
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Olga: Hey Chaz I don’t recommend drinking that Wild Turkey!

Chaz: Nah fuck that noise I’m gonna get blacked.
by Fuckthatnoise July 23, 2021
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