A female incel or “involuntary celabite”not necessarily celibate but tends to blame all men for their struggles in relationships instead of themselves or their partners, they say things like “all men are trash” or “kill all men
Becky is such a femcel all she talks about is how trash men are
by Lotsoftears January 25, 2022
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''A female Involuntary Celibate'' a subculture that seems to be spawned from Incel culture, although similar, they have complete abhorrence for each other. A Femcel would rather blame men for their lack of relationships and deserted sex life rather than realizing the cause of this is their lackluster self-loathing personality, they have no self awareness and cant fathom the idea of a male liking them for more than looks, when in reality this is the reason people stay away from them.
I think Sarah is a Femcel, she wont stop talking about how men are trash.
by NoahCH November 1, 2019
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A female, who is involuntary celibate to only men she desires.
That femcel can hook up, but not with the guys she wants.
by Nicknitro July 29, 2022
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A femcel is a woman who is involuntarily celibate. Femcels hate both men and women for different reasons. They hate men because they will not have sex with them and they hate women blaming them for taking all of the guys. Femcels are stereotyped at listening to "incel bands" but those stereotypes are not always true.
Sierra: Ughh, all men are the same, no one wants to have sex with me.
John: Yeah, you're a femcel.
by awesomeness4000 March 13, 2022
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a mentally ill and chronically online woman who doesnt shower, listens to mitski and lana del ray and complains about not getting dick/vagina, despite the fact she never goes outside
ill be so real im literally a femcel this is such a self drag
by penisshakes April 17, 2023
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a very annoying woman that is a incel but female
ok femcel” “no femcel💙”
by dinonuggies182 August 21, 2020
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just that girl that best defines it susan is a femcel
by atlantis999 July 18, 2021
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