An "Insult" that was created to try to bring down the person by saying they don't have a father figure, mostly used irrelevantly and not in a correct way.
It is mainly referred to people who are different from others - who have their own style -, or who are just happy with themselves no matter their sexuality or gender identity.
"LMFAO ur emo, fatherless child 💀"
"Ur trans and gay? Bruhhh such a fatherless child"
by ItsChaffy December 25, 2021
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Fatherless Child is a child that have no father or grew up without a father.
Friend 1: "Lol look at this Furry!"
Friend 2: "What a Fatherless Child lmao!"

Friend 1: "Oh my fucking god another dream stan!"
Friend 2: "What a Fatherless Child lmao!"
by neverwhere September 19, 2021
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A phrase made by the braindead 12 year olds of social media that is meant to offend someone and make a most likely untrue state about someone not having a father but for some odd reason people are offended by this. This phrase is normally used by people with an age range from 8-16 and they normally use it when someone has a different view or opinion on something.
by SupaOpa April 17, 2022
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The act of someone having a lack of of a father
(guy1) yooo i support lgbtq+
(guy2) 👉🤡 another Fatherless child
by Dom Dickson August 9, 2021
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A type of an aesthetic, mainly refered to people with taste.
Ur gay? Fatherless child lmao”
„Bro what is that? Ur alt? It looks more like fatherless child core to me”
by ItsChaffy September 3, 2021
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Emma: hey did you hear the news. I’m gay.
Tyrone:hey do you know your dad?
Tyrone: I knew you were a Fatherless child
by Men69420men November 25, 2021
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Have you heard of Hephaestus the ugly af crippled af Fatherless Child. Hera was sick of Zeus cheating on her so she decided to have a kid all by her self just to spite him and...

... CRAZY BITCH IT WORKED!!!!!!!! But he was fugly so she threw him off a mountain causing him to go supersayain and fly up to Olympus to plow and fist her ass up to the elbow with a blacksmith's hammer. Moral of the story? THEES EEZ NOT FAKING SPARTA YE CUNT!
by Nemortul November 13, 2019
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