Bravery. Battle tested. Warrior.
To fight for rightousness, to fight for good.
The troops have seen many battles, they are Farrell
by Osexib February 22, 2019
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Farrell is a kind and generous soul. He is creative extremely successful in many areas. Farrells make their friends feel loved and protected. Anyone who knows a Farrell is lucky to have one in their life.
You aren’t quite a Farrell, but you will have to do.
by Moonflower August 26, 2018
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To excessively masturbate
He locked the door to farrel
by Jarvis May 7, 2004
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A person who does unmanly things to impress girls even though he has no chance of getting with them.
Evan is such a farrel, he spent all last Saturday going to all the Urban Outfiters in New York City with a dozen of girls out of his league and held all their bags.
by nockabubble September 2, 2008
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The act of being a stupid idiot munching on Mcdonalds and Subway everyday even though there are more important things to do (Job, friends, family)
Person 1: Dude is Eric farrelling again?
Person 2: Ya he just bought another double big mac meal from Mcdonalds and is going to play assasins creed brotherhood all day on his ps3

Person 1: Wow ever since he started Farrelling 2 years ago hes gained like 200 pounds!

Person 2: Ya im never gonna start farrelling.
by ihatestupidteachers May 10, 2011
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A last name no body but Irish people can pronounce right
Person 1 (last name farrell): yo what’s up John

Person 2: how’s it going farel (fa rl)
Person 1: fuck you
by Boi Latino June 21, 2019
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when an adult male kisses an underage male on the lips
I can't believe Jim is so wasted that he just farrelled that kid.
by Simple Sean April 18, 2012
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