Pretty much the last time you will actually have any fun in school before you are off the high school. Enjoy it while you can because high school is an absolute shithole
Fuck high school its shit, elementary school is better
by No_Quarter_for_them February 13, 2021
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An introductory academic program that leads students through the first four to eight years of their education. It is here where tomorrow’s young scholars are taught the essential “three R’s”; Reading, Writing, Recess, and of course gym….but that’s technically not an “R”…. is it?
For a perfect example of an elementary school, drive to that part of the neighborhood where all the speed limit signs say "slow children at play."
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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The only place on earth were you learn how to square dance and play the recorder
Mom: how was your first day at Elementary school jimmy?
Jimmy: (pulls out recorder) hOt CrOsS BUns
Mom:ah shit-
by Uncookedcactus July 4, 2019
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Elementary schools vary among areas. Some you get suspended for bringing plastic knives outside. By fifth grade, Every girl is a slut and every boy is still innocent until 6th grade where the shit kicks in. In other words, it's better than middle school.

Also every mark you get is based on behaviour and not how smart you are.
Teacher:"Billy, how was the science fair project?"

Kid: "it was good! I made an electric motor an-"

Teacher: "Well it's not a competition anymore!. Some kids might feel bad, and by

the way this is an English mark. Not science."

Elementary school was gay, man.
by Siamese tumour child June 18, 2013
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a school in which obnoxious spoiled brats spawn from. A place where a kid i dislike comes from and should be grounded for life in hell.
so the same kid walks by me and calls me a shit nuggett wtf is this suppossed to mean? this is one of those fucking pieces of shit that you imagine gouging their eyes out while they scream but i mean what can you do- just swear and curse them.
by anonymous June 1, 2005
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a place where young children are bred to become sluts and assholes, and where every kid has a cell phone and looses their virginity at the age of 8.
Everyone gets fucked up in elementary school
by derpderpderpityderp March 30, 2011
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Generally grades K-5, although some schools do it K-6. A place filled with overly nice teachers who treat u like ur fuckin 5. Birthdays are overrated here. Literally doesn’t prepare u at all for middle school so it’s tuff
by Oof_Dani_Swimmer March 11, 2018
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