Old woman pussy,, Or the act of having sex with an old woman over the age of 50
My uncle said he is sick of having sex all he wants is becky with the old lady cause all thats left after menopause is drywall
by ack78 August 17, 2012
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Though used for making walls, drywall can be a tasty snack if you are hungry enough.
Person 1 : "Dude im gonna go eat drywall"
Person 2 : "Wait what the fuck"
by I LOVE BALLS!!!!!!!! December 15, 2021
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Drywalling-Engaging in anal sex
Drywalled- Previously engaging in anal sex
Drywaller- Being an active anal sex participant
Ur Homie: “Nah bro you didn’t fuck.”
You: “Yuh I did and I was drywalling that bitch too.”
by drywaller 4000 February 25, 2020
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to have sex with a female from behind, then proceed to RAM her head through the drywall before ejaculation
Last night i was drywalling betty, she was unconcious for four days.
by sizzlak December 7, 2006
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Another word for being highly intoxicated, sort of like plastered.
"exams are finally done, let's get drywalled!"
by metdizzle December 9, 2008
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To masturbate without the aid of a lubricant or pornographic materials. In extreme circumstances, sandpaper will be placed between the subject's hand and his penis.
After spending the afternoon drywalling, Kevin found the crotch of his jeans coated in blood and semen.
by Dr. Jeremy Pendergrass May 15, 2011
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Live, Laugh, Love.
Han Solo bitches.
People who shop at Land’s End and LL Bean exclusively.
Target, in general.
Chads and Kyles.
BMW 3 series.

“Craft” cocktails.
Chip & Joanne bullshit....

All fucking drywall.
by Ty Neiweiner January 28, 2020
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