Christ on a bike! That chummy i just did could have sank the fucking Bismarck.
by Duderancher May 31, 2009
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A small piece of unidentifiable litter, typically smaller than a marble, that is wet or moist.
Mom (in the bathroom at home): Yuck! What is this chummie on the sink?

Teenage son (slips into the bathroom behind mom): I don't know (as he hides the porn under the Good Housekeeping magazine)
by Cshell April 4, 2011
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Another word for an unidentified object
Pass me the chummy
What's the chummy over there?
by ktxbelland September 27, 2005
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An generic name given to an overweight or obese individual.
by UrbanRobbo October 19, 2015
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Hands are tender to the point of being replaced by Luke Skywalkers robot hand
Oh Phil your hands are extremely chummy
by dirtystankahboi December 7, 2019
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A pick-pocket's target.
As the talent suckers chummy the wire reefs his leather.
by England phi beta gamma March 8, 2008
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A Chubby Tummy, also described as a larger than normal stomach
My chummy hurts, I have a chummy
by matthew charles II January 14, 2010
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