A stupid word said on iCary or Victorious. It's like "no shit" but the creaters of the TV channel Nickelodeon have to make it a trendy word so it's hip and relatable. The characters in the show plus have no idea what it is so make it sound funny.
Girl 1:What is chizz anyways?
Girl 2: Andre says its a german sausage.
by yourapoopnose August 30, 2010
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according to andre, a german sausage.
Tori: what is chizz?

Andre: I Think its a german sausage.
by VictoriousDefinitions April 24, 2011
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to relax, to chill out, a cooler word to use instead of relax and chillax...
"dude i have so much $h!t to do, i'm going crazy...!"
..."yall needs to chizz bud, aite?"

by KGchizzOUT February 16, 2008
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Another simple word for "stuff", or a general, universal term for whatever is going on
tim; my wife divorced me and my children committed sucide at the same time.

bob; dude, that is some serious chizz, sorry bro...
by biohavock November 24, 2011
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The residue left behind on your fingers after eating Cheetos.
After downing a bag of Cheetos, I’m covered in chizz.
by Theasshatter January 20, 2020
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serious moment in a period in time, or a situation that is in desperate need of fixing
Don't joke around man! This is some serious chizz!
by Jasboy94 January 27, 2010
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an exceedingly ugly boy that emits strange, unintelligible noises. also has an uncanny resemblance to roadkill.
What is that Chizze wearing?
I can't tell. It hurts my eyes. Not to mention my ears.
by TheZorb May 16, 2011
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