A blunt or joint laced with cocaine.
That chewie put me on my ass all night, Fuck.
by Jerkymcstupid August 11, 2010
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by Spyder Mayhem August 16, 2005
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a blunt rolled with weed and yayo(coke)
by blunt1 March 27, 2003
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A chewy is another term for brain, or a blowjob, the process of sucking a males's penis
Danielle gave Billy a major chewy.
by Summertah Pop! May 11, 2009
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Chewy; noun: a drug consisting of grounded up weed (shake) and cocaine. you can smoke it from a pipe or roll it in a blunt, spliff or joint.
"This chewy got me paranoid and goin kinda scared
Niggaz startin to know my face so I had to cut my hair"

"I smoke chewy like a muthafuckin' nut
ya got a gram bag get the zags an' roll 'er up"

Andre Nickatina (coke fiend, great rapper)
by xander Fischer September 9, 2007
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Mate, can you stop at the milk bar and buy me a pack of chewie
by Lane Meyer June 11, 2005
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Chewi, short name for Chubaka(crazy monkey dude from starwars).
Also means Rat in Hindi
We have a Chewi working in our office.

Chewi smells like poo-ka-chew.
by Boon69 June 7, 2005
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