"see -fartknocker-"
Mike, stop acting like a buttmonkey
by Brandon H. November 21, 2002
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somebody who shows no concern wutsoever and doesnt listen to anything anybody is talking about with the mere goal of getting annoying
luis youre such a fucking buttmonkey
by Anonymous November 6, 2003
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a dumb fucking asshole that should be whipped, beaten, and shot ,in that order.
dude, that buttmonkey is scoping on my old lady.lets go beat his punk ass
by SCOTTB May 9, 2003
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(v) to send a message to the incorrect person, especially with disastrous consequences.
Chris buttmonkeyed everyone in the entire company via netmsg. He immediately stood up, walked out of the room, and never returned.
by baldmosher October 23, 2007
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Somone who has a lot of "buttmonkeys" that try to copy him and thinks that the buttmonkey queen is all powerful super being that must be worshiped.
Buttmonkey queen: Hi all
Buttmonkey1: Ohh my gosh i love your new jacket you made... MAKE ME ONE TOO PLEEEZE!!
Buttmonkey queen: No.
Buttmonkey 2: ohh my gosh he issocooli want to be him.
Buttmonkey queen: No.
<this can continue endlessely with various topics>
by Lance Gates July 7, 2004
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n. 1) A gatekeeper who is driven by political agenda and a delusion of self-importance, rather than providing any useful function. 2) A gatekeeper who rather than being useful, attempts to prove their self-worth or reason for existence by not doing their job but rather obstruction the proper fulfillment of duties. 3) A bureaucrat who embodies the seven deadly sins of soft corruption: G-COPCAP. See: G-COPCAP.


n. The seven deadly sins of soft corruption: Gamesmanship + Conflicts of interest + Obstructionism + Partiality to wealth and influence + Cronyism + Abuse of authority + fearfulness to prosecute politically-Powerful perpetrators
The man tried to get the word, "torina," added to the Urban Dictionary but the Twat-Twizzling Neo-ButtMonkeys simply ignored his entry, and did not deign to communicate any reasons for their decree.
by AWrinkleInTime January 3, 2016
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