3 definitions by SCOTTB

The process of both picking and flicking a booger--doing( sounds like boing) is the sound it makes as it is flickered
Billy, decided that he wasnt really that hungry flickerdoinged at the cat
by SCOTTB April 26, 2005
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a dumb fucking asshole that should be whipped, beaten, and shot ,in that order.
dude, that buttmonkey is scoping on my old lady.lets go beat his punk ass
by SCOTTB May 9, 2003
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Its a dried ball of shit hanging off an ass hair.
Usually occuring due to poor sanitary habits or rushing off the toilet too fast to grab a beer.
Also used to describe an asshole.
The dinkelberries on my ass scraped my flesh causing quite the bloody mess.
by SCOTTB April 26, 2005
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