taking a shit so long that one is unable to flush it down the toilet, thus requiring a butter-knife to cut it into smaller pieces in order to flush properly.
Dude, I've been holding it in all day and just dropped one hell of a butterknifer.

Gary, you really shouldn't be eating a box of granola bars a day, you might clog your toilet with all the butterknifers you probably take.

That butterknifer is over 14 inches long! Damn!
by Rockit December 16, 2005
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Another name for a 1-iron golf club.
Tiger used to be able to crush the old butterknife. Now he can't hit it to save his life.
by yakalot June 17, 2013
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When you are pounding a chick at an intensity of like, 7 out of 10, and she tells you to go harder -- and you're like, "what? I'm already 7 out of 10ing you" but she insists. So you amp it up to 10 out of 10 and then your penis slips out of her vagina and stabs her in the butt hole creating a big bloody mess, causing you to stop having sex with her before you throw up.
Last night I brought this chick home and i totally gave her the rogo butterknife and now I have to wash my sheets.
by riggyram July 25, 2011
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A person who pretends to be emo only to get attention and people feeling sorry for them. The term comes from the idea of someone trying to cut his/her wrist with a butterknife.
I don't want to hear your whining. Your just being a butterknife emo again.
by Pettit November 30, 2009
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The act of pooping in a condom and then using that condom to have sex with a girl.
"Hey did you give that girl the Cinncinnati Butterknife last night"

"Yeah man I did"

"You sick bastard"
by Califoniahippie August 5, 2009
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The ultimate in Shadery and Nyaaaaaaaaadom.

Pertains to multiple men ejaculating into a five-gallon bucket. The bucket is them passed to an Amish person to be churned into butter in a butter churner. The resulting colloid is then applied to a butterknife, and then swiped across the face of the victim.
When Eskimo passed out last night, we called up John Yoder, scored some "Amish butter," and gave Eskimo the ole "Amish Butterknife"
by The Gapist March 18, 2007
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The act of putting butter on your penis, thus making a tastier meal for the bitch.
You want some of my Turkish Butterknife?
by Checter November 5, 2009
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