3 definitions by Rockit

a person who engages in anal sex with one who forgets to wipe after dropping a duece.
Roger decided to take part in some anal sex with Maria who ate 6 Burritos, and ran out of toilet paper in the morning. Roger sure is a shitdigger.
by Rockit December 16, 2005
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taking a shit so long that one is unable to flush it down the toilet, thus requiring a butter-knife to cut it into smaller pieces in order to flush properly.
Dude, I've been holding it in all day and just dropped one hell of a butterknifer.

Gary, you really shouldn't be eating a box of granola bars a day, you might clog your toilet with all the butterknifers you probably take.

That butterknifer is over 14 inches long! Damn!
by Rockit December 16, 2005
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An incentive to date the same bird again.
Bessy: Thanks Pete, I had a great time tonight, will you call me again some time.
Pete: I can't make any promises I can't keep Bessy.
( Bessy gives Pete amazing skull for half an hour )
Pete: Call you next week Bessy
by Rockit June 27, 2007
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