A cigarette butt that has been stick in the crack of one's ass, and is smoked unknowingly.
"Chaz smoked one of my butt butts yesterday, what a fool!"
by bigandwide95 February 19, 2010
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Potent weed, usually a sativa, that gives you an energetic high
"That butt gave me a crazy head high"

"I was geeked after smoking butt yesterday"
by Baobrab June 15, 2021
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1. Actin' silly, Trippin', Doin things you KNOW you probably shouldn't be doing

2. Harmlessly fuckin up in general

(Usually an emphasis on "butt")
Me (to drunk friends): Man, y'all over here jumpin on my couch and knockin over my lamps and shit...I swear, yo, y'all on BUTT!!!
by CleOH719 July 9, 2009
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Life is full of things that are unnecessary, needlessly unpleasant, and stinky. Butts are one of them. We all have at least one in our lives. Buttness can be used to describe anything that is awkward, uncomfortable, and makes you say "Was that really necessary???" It feels most at home in situations where you look back and realize that there really was no good reason for what you just experienced.
"I hate this office, there's just so much buttness going on!"

"She's full of buttness, what's her problem!?"

"Ouch, *buttness* that hurt!"
by Mango#5 September 14, 2009
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To meddle in another person's private business.

To interrupt a conversation.
John told his brother not to butt in when he was talking to his girlfriend.
by Libertine September 1, 2009
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When due to lack of an actual cigarette a person must roll the left over tobacco from cigarette butts into a disgusting cocktail. To be used in cases of extreme desperation only.
"Me and Tim went camping this weekend, we ran out of smokes and had to butt it."
by Cowboy Killer September 27, 2009
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