To really fuck something up beyond comprehension
David pulled a real Binger today when he lost the prosecution the big case
by changqing November 9, 2021
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Someone who believes they see evil or malfeasance in everyday actions


A total failure
Well he is being a real binger today- he didn’t do anything except call HR on the office plants again.
by DeMoline November 9, 2021
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When your argument accidentally proves the point your opposition is making.

The MSM knew their narrative was F’d as they watched their chosen plot get bingered by the prosecuting attorney every single day of the trial.
by Awake and Aware November 10, 2021
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A prosecutor who disregards his duty to pursue Justice in favor of trying to convict a man he knows to be innocent by lying to the jury about the law, making absurd analogies and putting up weak strawmen.

Someone who says that by being prepared to defend yourself you actually forfeit the right to self defense.

A ridiculous excuse for a man.

A flaccid penis.

AKA Littlebinger
That guy is a real Binger. I hope he gets sued into oblivion for malicious prosecution after the acquittal.

What a Binger! He actually pointed a gun at the jury!
What was he trying to prove by doing that?
That he’s malicious as well as incompetent.
by JDBoDean November 16, 2021
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To take a drag from a bong
who wants some bingers?
by will natsues March 21, 2003
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A soy drinking flaccid penis of a man, who fabricates stories to make others seem as effeminate as he is, with douchey facial hair and a condescending attitude towards children.
“That new teacher is such a Binger, he tried to say my project on the civil war was unfairly critical of the people who sat out and didn’t fight.”
by Pythagora November 16, 2021
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