A guy who like people for who they are. :D
A girl who thinks that having underaged sex is what makes you cool.
A person who chose that name bc they wanted to be unique 😅
person #1"Who's that?"
person #2"Thats Alyx"
"She thinks underaged sex is a bad bitch thing"

Person #1 "Whos that guy over there?"
Person #2 "That's Alyx, he's very nice" :)

Person #1 "Hey, Who is that there?"
Person #2 "Oh them? Thats Alyx They are really nice and they acre alot for other people"
by ThatGuyAlyx June 20, 2021
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Alyx is an interesting, playful person who always has a funky story to tell. They are obsessed with frogs and cute mushroom vibes. They are sometimes shy but really fun when you get to know them. They make delectable comments to any situation and make the most delicious cookies ever tasted. Alyx might run late and not be so organized but they always push out on top of things. They can sometimes be sensitive and get upset but they always pull themselves together to have a great time. They are $wag.
Person 1: "What song is this called?"
Person 2: "I don't know, ask Alyx."
by RaccoonCheese December 7, 2020
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when dudes are taling and one says yo alyx is hot lol idk
by shady105 May 11, 2008
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a girl which is an absolute legend at all video games.
shes also chill about every video game usually and won't rage a lot.
but she isn't a popular person.

the hidden legend is what i like to call it
person 1: "oh shes totally an alyx"
person 2: "damn yeah, shes cracked"
by egirl :} June 18, 2021
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She’s sweet and so are her kisses, Cherish her she’s one of a kind, but don’t be to crazy or you’ll scare her away <3
Alyx is the best girlfriend I’ll ever have.
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A pretty girl that resides only in the state of Iowa, USA.
Encountering such a species is rare, but in those occasions, one will most often see the Alyx acting, and singing, or playing ultimate ping pong. Alyx's should be handled gently, and in the presence of danger will become aggressive.
"I came across an Alyx the other day. She almost took my eyes out with her extraordinary stage presence."
by Chris Manring March 20, 2007
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Well, she's 5'2'', blonde, umm... Yup. OH, and awesome(:
"I just added Alyx on 'myspace.com/emosewasixyla'!!!" "Really? I just added her on 'facebook.com/emosewa'!!!" xD Hahahah
by Alyx:D February 5, 2010
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