A girl who has large boobs that are perfectly round.
Guy: Dude! Check out that tits McGhee over there, her boobs are SMOKIN!
by Kylie Hope May 23, 2006
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1. An amazing woman with many wonderful qualities, all of which are overshadowed by her breasts.

Guy: "Wow, did you see her tits?! Those are incredible"
Girl: "She just found a cure for AIDs and resolved the energy crisis, and all you can focus on are her boobs?"
Guy: "What can I say? She's a real Tits McGhee"
by Tiffany "Titz McGhee" June 20, 2008
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1. An amazing woman with many wonderful qualities, all of which are overshadowed by her boobs.
"Wow, she's amazing. She's smart, she's funny, she's rich."
"Who cares?! Did you see that rack!! She's a total Titz McGhee!!"
by Tiffany "Titz McGhee" June 20, 2008
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a coworker or acquaintence who tends to screw up anything, everything they put their hands on, and thinks others are laughing at their lame ass jokes.
yeah that richard he's a real
anus mcghee.
by freedav04 June 5, 2005
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A girl that has to plan her day around the twins.

Also, spoken of in Anchorman.
I'm Veronica Corningstone, Tits McGhee is on vacation.
by PTM & HFC August 15, 2006
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The act of someone opening up someone else's ass and puking it it then drinking it out with a strawl while ticklike the other persons nutsack
by Dixie normus uh uhh January 8, 2018
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the best person on earth. most amazing and caring girl, dancer, sharing love.
by karren Merry November 2, 2019
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