A japanese internet slang term referring to "those who turn their personal discomfort into a social evil and try to erase the target completely".
"You should be in prison for liking this type of content! Disgusting!"

"Alright, feelings yakuza."
by Shameimaru Aya February 20, 2023
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His name is not the "Dame da ne guy" his name is Yakuza from Yakuza the zero
Hey dude, is there a street tier character who beats John wick?

John Yakuza
by Ben_Dover327 April 22, 2023
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a group consisting of purple yakuza (akiyamer), green yakuza (yakuza 0 massive man), gray yakuza (john yakuza), and blue yakuza (tanimura) from the video game yakuza 4.
*the yakuza 4 approaches the millennium tower*
Yakuza 4: We are the Yakuza 4
Evil Corrupt Police guy: No... it can't be.. it's.. the Yakuza 4! Noo!! My evil plans are ruined now!
by MemeLord4063 January 22, 2023
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An adjective used to describe someone or something that is radically different from everything around it.
The ginger cat was Yakuza-Spunky compared to the group of russian belly-dancers that were gathered around it.
by Cuthbert Crappingsdown February 17, 2009
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An asian character in the James Bond series Nightfire.
"Oh shit! I was just shot by Yakuza!"
by Jay The Cornchip September 2, 2008
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The act of getting drunk on sake and then lubing up your pinky finger to penetrate some cavity of your significant other.
"Yeah dude, we had sushi yesterday, got drunk off of sake and I Greasy Yakuza'd her butthole"
by Totemrider December 7, 2020
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noun: When a man holds a woman's legs apart from behind to present it to another for the purpose of sexual intercourse or rape. Usually whilst the man is kneeling down, but has been known to be accomplished while standing upright. This requires stength and greater technique.

Origin: This maneuver has been made popular by its continual reference in Japanese pornography
"I'd like to put her in a Yakuza grapple"

"She can still move, your Yakuza grapple technique has not yet been perfected"
by Otto McGuire July 30, 2006
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