Getting hurt in the private area. Originally came from the video game Mortal Kombat.
Brittney kicks Evan in the balls. Evan says "Whoopsie!"
by Brittney February 18, 2005
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A screaming metrosexual, who uses a female shield (pretend girlfriend) to cover up his secret obsession with men. Symptoms include the constant reference to sexual activity, River Island shopping and a compulsion to go shoe shopping rather than bowling with the bois.
Hey man have you seen (insert name here) ? Shit homie he so white whoopsy it hurts.
by Waz Goody2011 June 7, 2011
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When someone is showing you pictures on their phone and a dick pic accidentally pops up.
Today I was accidentally flashed some whoopsie dick when my dad was showing me pictures from his vacation.
by Neal Smoot August 14, 2015
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when you poop in your undies on accident
Girl: That roller coaster was awesome I thought I was going to shit my pants! Wait... I did crap my pants!

Friend: You just had a whoopsie poopsie! HHAAAHAHHAAA!
by slappy pappy dingus April 6, 2010
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Used to express acknowledgement of a minor accident, blunder, or mistake.
"Whoospy daisy,I nearly killed myself!"
by Sam the man November 27, 2003
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A drunken act of copulation that results in pregnancy.
Did you hear that Jordan and Becca went home together last night? Wobbly Whoopsie!
by Ruffles021 November 15, 2009
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The genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945.
Hitler was doing pretty well, then he did The Big Whoopsie, however we all make mistakes.
by Beardedbutcher January 8, 2023
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