Weaver is a person whom weaves or sows stuff and therefore if he is a person he will follow u like thread and needle in other words a stalker
Guy 1 stalks guy 2 home guy 2 than spreads word that guy 1 is a weaver good at sowing but stalks people
by Unc13ar pr0f11e July 11, 2019
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(1.) A brat. Someone who essentially poops on the party.
(2.) Someone untrustworthy. Someone who steals frequently.
(1.) We were all having a good time but Tyler was just sitting there being a weaver for absolutely no reason!

(2.) Someone stole $160 dollars from me. I'm gonna find out who that weaver was and get my money back!
by fly_ass_mamacita October 18, 2009
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1. A common last name for American Families
2. A person who weaves yarn/string/e.t.c into items such as blankets and rugs
1. "Hey bro what was that hot chick's name?"

" Amanda Weaver"

2. "Look at that gorgeous rug, we should buy it!"

"Yeah, and it's actually woven by a weaver!"
by freakofftheleash November 27, 2010
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The cool ass white girl everyone wants to be friends with. Is known to be overly competitive at drinking games but will do what it takes to carry your team to the finish line in beer pong. May need reminding of shit she did, but knows it was a good time.

2. Is overly clumsy to the point of needing ankle braces for any event leaning towards athleticism. Fucks shit up on the regular.
"Yo, I totalled Weavered it at the party last night! I sat in this girls chair and the next thing I knew it was broken and I was on the ground...."
by Weaverlicious December 10, 2016
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1. The coolest kid you know. You gotta love him.
2. The dumbass that's kinda fun to hang with but way more fun to beat up.
3. The ex-boyfriend you regret having.
4. That horny basturd that owes you money.
5. The guy that thinks he can skate.
6. A reason to say the sentence: "Wow, I really think I hate that kid."
7. The kid that eats all your food and sometimes spidercake.
Dude did you see that weaver kid? He's such a dumb ass!

OMG I totaly regret dating the horny basturd.
by The mouth of truth. March 25, 2008
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Someone who makes up or exaggerates a story or situationto get out of trouble or improve your standing with others. Weave
Bobby said he was couldn't come because he was working, but baz saw him at the Queen's Head... that guy's a weaver
by thebigG September 20, 2006
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1. A name for a person who has, "my daddy is a pilot syndrome." Not to be confused with a Mock.
2. One who frequently says "Hey, Keven!!"
Dude, quit being such a weaver and go do some work.
by pandaber1012 February 8, 2011
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