A baby or child, especially when the parent receives lots of additional benefits as the result of giving birth... such as extra benefits at work that are not available to those without children like childcare stipends, family-leave time, flex or comp time for family or school functions, etc. Golden-larva benefits for the unemployed include easier access to Medicaid, WIC, food stamps and other government or charity assistance and grants.
Childfree co-worker: "Hey, can you stay over for a few extra minutes tonight to help with cleanup?"

Breeder co-worker: "No, I have to leave early again to pick my baybee up from the sitter. Oh, and my sitter can't watch the baybee tomorrow so I won't be in. I'll need you to do the ordering for me, if you would."

Childfree: "Man, I'm doing a lot of extra work on account of you and that golden larva of yours..."
by For Whom The Bell Trolls August 4, 2007
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Someone who surfs the web too much, so much in fact, that they have devolved into a pale gelatinous blob who can no longer lift themselves out of their chair. The cyber larva will have to eat by means of robotic feeding tube, and excrete by means of auto-cleaning bed pan or colostomy bag. The cyber larva's limbs will eventually diminish into nubbins, except for a very pronounced mouse clicking tentacle.
Eric used to be top of his class. He was also president of the chess club, volunteered down at the homeless shelter, and was top runner on the cross country team. The he became addicted to the internet. You wouldn't recognize him. He's become a cyber larva.
by shootandrun April 18, 2008
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Having an infestation of maggots with a combination of anal seepage
Tubby you got your ass larva all over me!
by mrs. sez sex slave May 3, 2011
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Small, orange weasel-like entity with little to no brain, a distinct odor and webbing between the toes. Usually resides in bogs, swamps, and other eutrophic or otherwise stagnant wetlands.
"The Larva-Donkey was seen snivelling in the deep putrid bog emitting distinct, high-pitched mating signals to the surrounding donkeys"
by J-Kat October 13, 2011
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A baby in a bookstore that eats the books. Then, the parents stick it back on the shelf for others to enjoy.
Ah, man. That bookworm larva ate through Goodnight Moon!
by boylockedinatower November 21, 2010
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An Illegitamate child
Thank god I don't have to pay child support for all my sin larvae
by Squelch2k February 13, 2005
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A stage girls enter on the way to adulthood.Usually in the preteen or (ugh) "tween" years, behavior is remarkable for screams,whining,pouting,eye rolling and/or slamming of doors to obtain the object of their desires as dictated by Disney,or Gap,for example.
Every time Gap's irritatingly stupid "Talk to the Moose" commercial comes on TV,I can't change the channel fast enough! Those bitch larvae really piss me off!
tween preteen screeching Hanna Montana Miley Cyrus
larva larvae preadolescence
by Bart's Mom December 16, 2009
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