A person who pursues in the infatuation with a grandma or elderly woman.
"I just hooked up with a 70 year old babe... she's just been Granny Snatched".

The 20 year old is going after the women in the nursing home, he's a Granny Snatcher.
by Nutbag February 1, 2012
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A tall gormless northern man who comes in the night to snatch the battys of those who misbehave
Yo dude what happened to Tim?

Bro the batty snatcher took his ass last night because he’d been such a doinker this year
by BattyItis January 5, 2022
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The female version of budgie smugglers. The name being derived from the infamous camel toe and the need to cover it up.
"Dude: The beach is full of girls in camel snatchers today. I love it!"
by ChiefSnatcher August 17, 2012
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A pair of sunglasses you Wear when you about to snatch someone’s nigga
Oh girl, I almost forgot to put on my nigga snatchers
by Zansman January 8, 2018
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Someone who usually feels the urge to morphslap of ships. They have many similarities to glitchsloppers. (Black Wake)

If you feel any troubles or urges to morphslap you can find links online to help.
Hipe Snatchers feel the need to morphslap of ships too.
by youareaclock September 16, 2017
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Someone who has relationships with much younger partners, comparing it to taking a baby from its cradle because they're so much younger in comparison.
"Bridget, your boyfriend is 40 years your junior! You're going to be called a cradle snatcher if you're not careful."
by factcurate June 8, 2020
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