When someone comes up with an idea that further encourages laziness (such as the "smart garbage can", alexa, siri, the other pointless robots, business ideas that cater to lazy people who are helpless) that is often called a "game changer".
I can have my smart trash can order paper towels so I can avoid walking into a store. What a game changer.

Pay a fortune for some chopped up fruit and vegetables? A game changer for sure. The meal kits that people blow their money on? Another game changer.

Alexa and Siri can turn on lights, tell you the weather so you don't have to look outside, can order batteries so you don't have to actually go to a store any longer, etc. What a game changer this one is.
by xjokerz88 April 16, 2018
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Someone that tells you that you have to fight for something, then when you do, they have you locked up.
by Solid Mantis January 15, 2021
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n. a Jagerbomb, also referred to as a JB smooth,
consists of dropping a shot of jagermeister into a glass of red bull and can improve one's game dramatically
Look at the ladies who just walked in. Time for a game changer.
by OchoCinco December 3, 2007
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1. Combination of the terms "Video Game" and "Channel Changer".

2. Referring to the little bitch boy who changes the video game cartridge for the slightly higher up bitch boys playing video games.
Bitch boy: oh man, this 50 cc scooter is gonna be such a Game Changer for me!
Human: your mom says hi.
by Ptolomy Fife October 4, 2018
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A game changer is a girl with the ability to 'change your game' with a suprise presenting, whipping or gyrating of her bootay. This mind blowing phenomena can come as a complete suprise, and often will result in bulk shenanigans. Game changers can lie in disguise or camoflauge, hiding their hind quaters and pouncing on the unsuspecting male - extra caution should be taken in the presence of these minxes, so be prepared!!
omg mi an dis gurl were fu11 mackin on da cowch and den she got up and sh8ked that thang in ma face - chaynged da game str8t up yo. - game changer
by lol XD hehehe October 25, 2011
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An attitude one has when they purchase a Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series, commonly a 79 Series. Their enthusiasm will convey unwanted and unsolicited Instagram build pages flooding Facebook with their own self centered thoughts that they are the only important person who matters and no one else has ever done it before. They will put an loud aftermarket exhaust kit on their rig usually with Caterpillar and Cummins wind screen decals and repeatedly do mainys believing diesel soot gets the moot. When in reality they are driving around in what is designed to be an industrial vehicle.
I purchased a second hand 79 series landcruiser with 450,000kms and I paid $120,000, it really has been a game changer to say the least. Would you like to know my instagram page?
by GQsR4FHs January 20, 2021
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The one that always moves the goalposts to their own game to keep people from finding a rhythm. If you figured out the difference between what really happened and what a history book tells you happened, the game changer would change history. If you discovered the meaning of life, the game changer would change it to something else just to keep you arguing with his/her argumentative natured self.
It is the game of a game changer, it always has been.
by The Original Agahnim December 16, 2021
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