1 definition by xjokerz88

When someone comes up with an idea that further encourages laziness (such as the "smart garbage can", alexa, siri, the other pointless robots, business ideas that cater to lazy people who are helpless) that is often called a "game changer".
I can have my smart trash can order paper towels so I can avoid walking into a store. What a game changer.

Pay a fortune for some chopped up fruit and vegetables? A game changer for sure. The meal kits that people blow their money on? Another game changer.

Alexa and Siri can turn on lights, tell you the weather so you don't have to look outside, can order batteries so you don't have to actually go to a store any longer, etc. What a game changer this one is.
by xjokerz88 April 16, 2018
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