When a gay dude is completely controlled by his gay dude boyfriend.

i.e. neutered or whipped.
"Joe never comes out anymore since he started dating Mike. He's so dudered."
by Super Rap Attack December 12, 2013
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a faggots ear ring. mostely in the right ear
ben affleck has a dudering, and is a bad actor with a butt for a chin

MAaaTT DAaayMonnn
by derekthemainman May 3, 2006
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Wall street professional type or financial restructuring attorney whose laid back personality and zen-like patrick swayze in point break demeanor is in stark contrast to the gordon geckos around him. A "fish out of water" often with a bunblefuck origin (e.g. Kansas).
Can you believe that duder sang "why don't we get drunk and screw" at a partner's house.
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The tube inside the roll of wrapping paper or paper towels, based on the sound one makes when one pretends to play the trumpet through one end.

cred. MBerman
No adult can resist not playing the duder when they have one in their hands.
Places tube to lips, yells into tube: "duder, duder, duder!"
by adminfairy March 1, 2018
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n. 30-something guy, young professional, wearing diagonally/vertically striped button-down (slightly wrinkled), looking to score beyond his station with aims at 20-something girls. Hair product content=high, intellectual capacity=low.
With hair that is perfectly styled but looks slightly mussed and jeans that appear old and rumpled, but are actually brand new and over-priced, the duder walked into the bar that he had read was uberhip hoping to score.
by librarywoman November 27, 2006
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usually used when describing a male, a new pronoun that can be a subject, direct object or indirect object - may also be used for females and pretty much anything as long as the meaning is described in context
Yo duder, what's up? I'm heading down to the board shop to get this little duder fixed. I smashed up the nose on a mean duder. Tranlation: Yo man, what's up? I'm heading down to the board shop to get my board fixed. I smashed up the nose on a big wave.
by Duncan Jones September 14, 2007
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