A variation of the shocker , except you cross your middle and index fingers and insert them into the vagina while inserting the pinky into the anus
my girl was tired of the old shocker so i decided she was ready for the corkscrew.
by j-dubbs March 11, 2006
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Cross your fingers, middle over index. Twist your wrist back and forth and go to work on your desired orifice. With practice, you'll have the effectiveness of a dill press and within weeks you'll be able to bore through wood.
by tnt May 2, 2003
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a sexual maneuver that women love. It is when you pull enough of your penis out of the pussy to get a hand on, grab your shaft, whilst still inside the female, and grind your cock Around inside her like a corkscrew. If the penis is long enough the woman should be rather satisfied.
guy #1: damn man! What happened to your back? It looks as if you've been mauled by a mountain lion!!

Guy#2: nah man. It's nothing like that..... I nailed the old lady with the corkscrew last night. As u can see, she loved it.

Guy #1: aah!
by reverend sparks April 26, 2009
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When a female lays flat on their back, the male then lays down on top of her and inserts his penis into her pussy and spins around like bayblade.
Yo, I just corkscrewed that girl last night, and she orgasmed like a champagne bottle bro.
by 🐻 April 3, 2020
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(n.): A male penis which spirals along its length. Occasionally referred to as "Mister Twister".

(v.): The act of inserting a cork into an orifice usually reserved for one's penis. Often a measure of desperation when afflicted with limp dick See also bung.
(n.): girlfriend, this guy's unit was so curvy it looked like a curling ribbon on a birthday present!

(v.) Sometimes when Bob can't get it up I have to give myself a corkscrew.
by Phishn February 6, 2005
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When you are having sex with a person (preferably girl) and you spin them around in circles so they are pivoting constantly on your dick.

Note: nearly impossible to pull off, props if you can
Jim "Hey man I was with my girl last night and we tried a Corkscrew."

Bobby "Yeah? You get a full rotation of her?"

Jim "Yeah and I added a crazy sound affect to it like i was on wheel of fortune."
by ShadowStalker16 February 20, 2009
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a torture manuver where a male is forced to do the brain(look up definition) and a corkscrew is forced threw the scrotum and testes
If your still alive from a corkscrew your conversation will go like this. you "doc how serious was the damage done by the corkscrew " doc "you got about 72 hours two live"
by fuckedupinthehead May 29, 2010
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