mountain lion

A mountain lion is similar to a cougar, only it refers to an UN-attractive older woman seeking younger men. The only difference between the terms mountain lion and cougar are that cougars are usually somewhat attractive, and mountain lions are usually quite ugly. The mountain lion's natural habitat is at bars.
I was walking back from the men's room, and a mountain lion tried to attack me with a crotch grab!

I thought I spotted a cougar across the bar, but she turned around, and was definitely a mountain lion.
by WuBang3R December 19, 2006
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mountain lion

1 is a puma a young attractive woman

2 is the cougar stage an attractive older woman who preys on younger men.

3 is a mountain lion a woman who has exceeded the cougar stage but yet is still hunting the younger men.
Wow she is a total mountain lion I'm gonna MOUNT IT BUT IM GONNA LYE ABOUT IT!!!! "mountain lion"
by Nasty Nate Sarasota Fl February 19, 2010
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mountain lion

A mountain lion is similar to a cougar, only it refers to an UN-attractive older woman seeking younger men. The only difference between the terms mountain lion and cougar are that cougars are usually somewhat attractive, and mountain lions are usually quite ugly. The mountain lion's natural habitat is at bars.
I was walking back from the men's room, and a mountain lion tried to attack me with a crotch grab!

I thought I spotted a cougar across the bar, but she turned around, and was definitely a mountain lion.
I was walking back from the men's room, and a mountain lion tried to attack me with a crotch grab!

I thought I spotted a cougar across the bar, but she turned around, and was definitely a mountain lion.
by Wubang3r January 16, 2007
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mountain lion

We all know a cougar is a hot older woman who goes after younger men.

A mountain lion is an older woman with the same tastes, but hideously ugly.

The name derives itself from a pun. See example below.
That woman isn't a cougar! She's a mountain lion, as in, "If you said you'd be mountin' that, you'd be lyin'!"
by dark marmoset June 30, 2011
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mountain lion

A cougar is in her 40"s. A woman 50yrs or older who shouldn't be trying to date at all unless she's chasing an 80 yr old man is a mountain lion. Wrinkled, worn out and loose.
I was checking out from a distance what I thought was a cougar, then she turned around and I felt sick. It was an old mountain lion on the loose!
by mikesword April 29, 2010
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mountain lion

A male who dates or marries a women at least thirty years younger than they are.
Hugh, age 69, is such a mountain lion his girlfriend is now 19.
by qweef shady June 20, 2011
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mountain lion

1. A person that seems impossilbe to make friends with, but someone usually manages to.

2. a large american wildcat

Dude, you're friends with Matt?
That guy's a total mountain lion!

Look, a mountain lion on that ridge!"
by Lexi James April 2, 2012
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