27 definitions by tnt
When you have an extremely urgent bodily need to jetison waste, and you are in the process of literally running to an establishment to get rid of said waste and you are not sure that you are going to make it before...you know...
Oh dammit i really have to shit, and the nearest toilet is 3 blocks away!!! oh man this is gonna be a photo finish!
by tnt June 26, 2004
When a hot chick is on you and you are about to lose your moyd or have to tend to your intestinal calling, tell your friend "this one time in 8th grade" and he will tackle her or otherwise remove her bodily threat.
(Your stomach cramps and then discharges) Uh this one time in 8th grade.... <TACKLE> *Friend rushes to his bathroom and is saved*
by tnt June 26, 2004
This is what most guys get after a good night of drinking. They tend to fuck anything with a pussy while experiencing beer dick.
by tnt May 2, 2003
When you fill a small ziploc sandwich bag with Crisco (or your favorite lubrication) and place it between the cushions on the couch. You then proceed to fuck the couch as if it were a woman...but no need to buy It dinner first
by tnt May 2, 2003
When making out with one's bitch, the sir places his hands on the bitch's leg and comes upward higher and higher until his hand fully encompasses the bitch's ass. The best situation that sir can do this is with a bitch in a maid outfit and a lacy skirt on the bottom.
by tnt June 26, 2004
A title bestowed by the forum stable keeper. It's given to people who are strong, noble, reliable and have four legs.
The current forumpaard is TNT
by tnt March 10, 2005