when you ejaculate and she keeps orally pleasing you. usually used as a noun or a verb
jenny gave me the succ last night
by she succ me good June 8, 2016
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commonly used term of people between the ages of 20-53, meaning success of course!
pronounced suck
Mom! Dad! I got that good succ at school today!
by Harinezumi October 14, 2016
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the act of healing someone in Overwatch. Typically, you will ask a Mercy for this.
Reaper: Mercy, give me some of that good succ.
by DarrianLea July 24, 2016
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(adjective) When you inhale, or 'suck' on something.

I.e. 'When you finish your caprisun in one succ..'
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
When you buy her flowers, and she gives you the succ.
by pepe_the_chicken_nugget September 9, 2017
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"Dude it was loud in there last night what did you do?"

"she succ me good
by sneklord February 26, 2017
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