common mistake for the past-tense of sneak (the real past-tense is sneaked, but sneaked sounds retarded so it should be snuck)
sneaked sounds totally gay so let's change it to snuck
by Lion-mousePAD July 26, 2006
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A hybrid between a duck and a snake. Its favourite food is cheese and energy drinks. We love snuck. Snuck is amazing and the mascot of ACT Esports
Snuck is amazing and fantastic.
by REEEE21 June 28, 2021
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Guess what Teety? Doo got snuck by Charles the other day!
by Fire Tears February 10, 2005
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to get stole or or have something happen to you that you didn't expect
"Brotha man wuz just walkin along and this dude came outta nowhere and snuck him in his jaw and took all his loot
by Bart April 14, 2003
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Black speak for "Sneak up behind you and hit you in the face"
Daniel snuck Dank after his comment about gorillas.
by Sanca` July 11, 2008
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(N.) - The snow and muck that gets packed in your vehicle's wheel wells but, falls out with a gratifying 'PLOP' with a gentle but firm heel kick, leaving tire turds behind.
Honey, will you kick the snuck out on your side, before you get in the car?
by krevWon January 18, 2011
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To snuggle, then fuck; to snuggle while fucking.
1. Hey Matt, imma' snuck dat bitch.
2. Seth, did you snuck dat bitch last night? Yeah, I snucked her real good.
by SWIZZLE J-ROCK December 10, 2009
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