Am male that does stupid things. A male that cheats and gets caught because of social media.. A man that buys bottles and lives at home with his parents.. A man that likes women's pictures on Instagram and gets caught by his woman/baby momma/ wife. A man who Sleeps with his artist and then gives away her song after he proclaims his love for her.. A man who Cheats on his baby momma-- marries his side chick -- then pinky swears on national tv that he is not doing anything wrong... Ask for a paternity test when a snot gave him advice
by Genius lady November 6, 2013
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When your really angry or sad and after you've been crying alot and your nose is runny. And you just blow that shit out everywhere and wipe the snotty spitty mixture all over everything.
Quit snotting everywhere Paul Hill, that shit is nasty.
by Shoe McShoe June 3, 2004
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Snotting is the act of blowing a load into the counter party mouth. The load travels up and out of their nose causing exeessive amounts of snot to ejaculate about the nostrils
Examples of the word of Snotting in use

Dawg, I snotted her last night.”

“He fucking snotted me last night ugh”
by Snottyboi June 24, 2018
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2. to have snot come out of your nose
you snotted all over my hoodie!
by Mer Mer June 18, 2005
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Quit asking for candy, you little snot.
by Kenny December 9, 2003
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Person 1:Dude, what the hell is Rick doing tonight?

Person 2:He is sitting on facebook. He has snot.
by LCSnola August 15, 2010
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