Possibly the most awesome curry you will ever know. If you do know a Prashant, it means you're awesome aswell. If you're in India, just say the name and you'll get free shit, i'm serious. I tried it and it works :P
dude, that guy knows a Prashant Sinha...he must be awesome.

You: ok I know Prashant Sinha
Merchant: right this way sir.
by A Curry Muncher August 14, 2008
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People with a selfish attitude. Usually used for people who consider themselves above all and neglects follow anyone.
Those shopkeeps were just so apoorva sinha overconfident
by realityspotter November 22, 2015
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A really nice human being who is really nice she is the best person ever alive and she is better than everyone she is really kind and really mature unlike her friends and she’s everyone’s favourite (also really active on Instagram and discord)
Istg suryanshi sinha didn’t write this
by Hi No Ok March 8, 2022
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When you are in hell but it’s disguised as a paradise with flashing lights
Person A - What can be an alternative word for genz life ?
Person B - Sarthak Sinha
by Thetittygang August 7, 2022
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The coolest/chillest person to exist in the universe
the earth collapsed, but he kept standin' like a sinha
by kazsina November 23, 2021
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