person 1: Jeez, was that your girl who walked by?
person2: Nah man, shes got another man already
person1: Eyyy you telling me you're a SideMan now??
person3: eyyy lmaooo mans a SideMan
by IfYouAreReadingThisItsTooLate February 4, 2016
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A person that receives a blowjob at a white persons party however cannot remember the events that took place nor the person he received it from. Also turns up to parties uninvited.
That guy went shopping with a girl, the girl was texting her boyfriend whilst he was with her, then after he dropped her home he texted her 'LOVE YAx' and she didn't reply. What a sideman
by Someone special123456789 January 24, 2013
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sideman (adj) a fat fuck who just plays online poker all day he also does not have any friends and no one likes him cuz she smells he also isnt well with the ladies
Rob SIDEMAN is the biggest fucking retard out there if he walked up a flight of stairs he would break his ankle
by chris seymour March 12, 2005
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This is the case of being a sideman to everyone, even if you are in a new friend's group you are still a sideman. To identify someone infected with sideman syndrome you must spot the sideman in a group if friend's which are sidemen.
"Oi Mike has sideman syndrome"
"yeah i know that twat is still a sideman even with other sidemen"
by "Mike has sideman syndrome" March 31, 2015
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a sideman is what Mickey is to Leon.
someone: wheres mickey?
someone: with leon.
Mickey is a sideman and will always be a sideman.
by tattycat678 July 22, 2019
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