to hit something, or be hit with something.
Ashley: dude you just shwammed me in the chin with a bottle.
by shwamyou April 20, 2007
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1. verb - take a shit
2. noun - a shit
1. Ben - I gotta take a shwam again
2. Me - You shwam all the damn time
by Snoopy To The D-O-double-G February 9, 2004
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A volleyball term for an attack coming from behind the back-row attack line. First popularized in late 2000's
Hey, on the next play, give me a SHWAM!
by MTSE February 18, 2009
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is when u merge through all lanes on the highway without checking ur blind spot
ahhh man i have to merge fast. just do a scandanavian shwam shwam
by tyrehd 2 June 23, 2010
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the act of hitting someone either over the head or in the back. After you do this, you say SHWAM!! loudly.
Boy 1 hits other boy in the head with hand

Boy 2: Ow, why the hell did you do that?

Boy 1: SHWAM!
by afreakforplanes March 19, 2009
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- 1. v. - a phrase coined by a couple of young choral singers in 2010; describing an undeniable victory in a challenge, competition, performance, etc.
2. interj. - a proclamation of extreme joy or thrill
1 - "We bam shwammed that concert tonight!"
2 - "You folks are now the tenth best choir in the state." "Bam shwam!!"
3 - "Bam Schwam Kwan Shwan!!!"
by Lt_DanWV May 28, 2010
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