Some say a person is shallow because they judge a person on looks and not their personality when looking for a mate, however that is bull because there is nobody in the world who dates somebody who they deem unattractive but with a great personality, or at least, not for long. Not many people consider some people have a great personality and are really nice because they are unattractive and have to put more effort in for love and acceptance, not simply because they truly are just so funny and nice. If a person is SHALLOW in terms of how things really are, then they pick on the slightest imperfections of people expecting a person to be perfect and becoming critical about standards that shouldn't be incredibly high in certain, given aspects.
"Its good that sally is a model, but she needs to cover up her toes, they are all bent and gross."
"Man you are so ridiculously shallow."
by Cowfetus June 24, 2009
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A disease that more than 90% of all girls have. Girls will go out with tall, hot guy even if he's a jerkwad.
More than 90% of all girls are shallow.
by Master Tonberry December 8, 2004
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Someone who likes the first person they see, without looking for what they really want in a person.

This does not necessarily mean someone is shallow because they like someone with good looks or money.

Someone is shallow because they try to get with everyone and anyone because they don't take the time to look for a special someone.
Person one: Gage is so shallow he tries to get his D-wet with every girl he meets.

Person two: I know and most of them arn't even hot!

Person one: yeah he needs to learn to get deeper into the ocean and find that special someone finally. Hopefully someone he at least looks good with.

Person two: but he's to lazy.
by dirtythree30 January 23, 2010
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Calling attention to a person's physical appearances in an obsessive way.

Being inflexible about the person you date.

Raising your physical standards so high that you are unrealistic about relationships.
"I'm shallow because I have an ideal in my head and if you don't fit it, you look like garbage in my eyes."
by Twizted Rune September 8, 2014
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christen chalmers. being the ultimate definition of gold digger. puts anna nicole smith to shame.
That shallow bitch just wants his money.
by christen chalmers March 7, 2005
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What ugly people call good looking people just because they got turned down. Sorry I just can't see myself kissing some ugly chick.
"Will you go out with me?"
"Why not."
"You're ugly."
"You're shallow!"
"Ha ha"
by Me February 22, 2005
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1) Someone who says that a certain band is "Th3 b3St3stt b4Nd EvA".
2) People who judge wholly on looks.
-It's not shallow to be more attracted to a girl/guy who's "hot". It's instinct to get a "mate" who has appealing genes.-

1) All U2 fans.

2) Most cheerleaders/jocks.
by Shallower Than Thou August 2, 2005
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