To tease someone or something. Also, to be the object of teasing by others.
Mike was the object of ridicule when the bullies ripped his arm off and shoved it up his ass. He was referred to as "tripod" ever since.
by Eye See Eye March 31, 2005
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A word for things so ridiculious, you had to make up a word just to describe them.
by Doug Arley April 30, 2004
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To take a material possesion and spend a ton of money on it making it out of this world.

To bling the sh#t out of something.
Buy a new Corvette, then give a speed shop $100k to ridiculize it. It will be the fastest thing on 4 wheels.
by DONALD GEORGE November 7, 2007
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something that is unbelievable in some way shape or form, an event worthy of memory
dressed in ridicuous red and blue/like i don't see what the big deal is

by Anonymous May 1, 2003
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Where something is hot, cool, or off the hook
The back of yo head iz ridiculous!
by ThEnExTItGiRl January 27, 2008
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Ridiculous can be a very useful term. Instead of using words to describe an event, place, happening, or person with words such as crazy, amazing, unbelievable, weird, funny; ridiculous sums it all up.
"Watch this on youtube, this is the most fucking ridiculous thing i have ever seen."

"This guy is really ridiculous."

Person 1-"Jamie and Karen broke up, and now Jamie is dating her best friend Maria."

Person 2-"Are you kidding me? That's fucking ridiculous."

"This kid had the biggest dick i have ever seen in my entire life in the locker room. This shit was ridiculous."
by globalman October 29, 2008
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