1)Prince's #1 song in the whole entire world.
2)My anthem.
3)The best movie of all time.
I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain...
by -Girl June 8, 2004
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Purple Rain: noun: (not to be confused with the artist, Prince's, album), is an alcoholic beverage containing the following ingredients:

1 Jug of Purple Hawaiian Punch
2 Liters of Sprite
1.5 Orange creme Sodas
1 Handle of Vodka (Preferably Seagram's, or Smirnoff)

Split Between 2 (two) - 2 gallon jugs (Split all above ingredients between to empty jugs of water or milk)

This alcholic beverage is known to deceive it's consumers but beware, each cup (solo cup) contains 2+ shots (of vodka) a piece
"Aye, so this Purple Rain aint nothin to mess with" - Guy
"My friend just had two cups, she's messeeeed up! You sure there's alcohol in there?" -Girl

"Hunch Punch or Purple Rain?" -Girl #1
"Purple Rain. You can't even taste the alcohol" -Girl #2
by Based Overlord October 16, 2010
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Purple rain is when a guy cums on his partner under a blacklight. The blacklight makes the semen glow purple as it rains down on their face. Therefore making purple rain.

Some say that its only a gay thing where a guy cums on another guy, but i don't see why it has to be limited to that.
"Dude, check this out. I just got this new blacklight. So next time i bust a load on her face, it'll glow!"

"Woah, thats purple rain bro!!"
by Motosake June 1, 2013
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A type of pollution-induced precipitation common in the Eastern Hemisphere. Similar to acid rain, purple rain has a higher acidity and is even more devastating when concentrated in small bodies of water.
Kin Jong Il spoke to the North Korean peoples about the dangerous effects of purple rain.
by Diggity Monkeez February 28, 2005
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Diarrhetic condition caused by consuming too much wine.
Damn dude, after that Tour de Franzia, I was makin some serious puprle rain!!

She was always disturbed when Prince sang "I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain."
by Qrys2fur June 21, 2010
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No one really knows for sure what prince meant by purple rain. There are a number of theories. One is that purple rain is semen from black guys. It has a certain logic to it because purple spear is a black guys pecker,purple pie is black pussy ect.
That black guy is getting ready to shoot his purple rain.
by Deep blue 2012 June 9, 2010
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Purple Rain is a sexual act much like a Golden Shower, except the woman committing this act is on her period.
Guy at pornography store - "Excuse me, does this film have any Golden Shower scenes in it?"

Video clerk - " No bro but it has a crazy Purple Rain scene in it!"
by Miss Metal Heels August 6, 2010
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