Musical noise which, when repeated over and over, is used as a tool to extract a profit from dimwits. Lacking the ability to categorize this rhythmic noise under any standard genre, record company executives have come to call it ‘pop music’ because they can convince some people it is popular and therefore must be worth listening to.
Don’t you just love pop music artists such as Britney Spears?
by D.B. Cooper January 8, 2004
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the retarded form of song that offers no originality and is the result of corporation - backed, "singers," and writers. basically highly non - political\religious\profane because the people that make it have no balls
man MTV's becoming a pop music - promoting piece if junk
by ike November 15, 2003
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Popular music. A collective genre, also referred to as Pop, Chart Music, Top 40, or Hits, it primarily focuses on wide circulation, sales and the marketability of the "artists" than on creative or artistic content. Pop can range from Dance, R&B, Rap, Country and Rock, but is generally the most "diluted" form of any genre it emulates. Pop songs generally have a 3-minute, hook/verse structure (although many ballads have made it to the charts) written for immediate likability, often written by corporate record label executives, and "pushed" by a front-person or people, commonly referred to as the artist or artists.
When initially identifying a pop artist, mass production and circulation are the biggest indicators. Check mainstream media/entertainment outlets, such as MTV, VH1, E!, Rolling Stone magazine, or the "New Releases" or "Heavy Rotation" section of the local music store.
by odl July 4, 2005
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a tamed crappy genre which is destroying music (bring back punk). Not only is the music manufactured but the pop star's life is manufactured, they marry someone, divorce them so they can write a bloody book about it! once a pop act has released one bloody album they get someone to write a biography (aka kiss there ass) about them and put the word unofficial on it so it'll look more cool, cool my arse. Absorbed by the fucking public who dont know shit about actual music (rock music where the band writes there own songs). Basically the apocolypse of music until another sex pistols turns up and fixes it.
stupid teenage girl: i love justin bieber hes so HAWT
me: fuck off, pop music is for arsehole's
by Jonneh123 July 8, 2010
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A combination of bad lyrics, talentless singers and retarded screaming little girls. Also known as the sound a bear makes while having explosive diarrhea.
OMG ITS JUSTIN BIEBER OMG. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH EEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!! - Retarded 12 year old girl listening to pop music
by Darthgar December 26, 2011
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1. Utter corporate shit that the men in suits push on the public in order to dumb down the populace. It is manufactured to the max by some "songwriters" in Europe who think music can be put together like Lego sets - I could write better lyrics and music than what's on these "songs" when I am STONED. Pop music acts concentrate more on their looks, sexuality and choreographed dance moves. ALL of those teenybopper pop acts suck out the unwashed ass. The fucking Spice Girls started this trend of trash about 10 years ago and the public have been sheep ever since. We need a punk-like rock and roll movement to bring music back to the people.

2. A chart-topping new wave hit for M in late 1979.
1. Quit playing that Britney Spears crap! She can't sing. Here. Play this U2 CD instead. U2 rocks. That Britney Speares CD ain't good for nothing except for use as a frisbee, and then you should fling it in the fucking trash can.

2. ... New York London Paris Munich everybody talk about pop music
talk about pop music, talk about pop music
shimmy shimmy doo-wop pop pop shoo-wop...
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 1, 2006
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an evil satanic form of music,if u would call it that ,that is simply a ploy by company's to make money, the main method used to brainwash people into buying this crap is by employing good looking people(most likely once homeless) to sing the songs written by the company songwriter preying on teenage girls who somehow believe in their minds that they will one day marry,go out with or have a kinky one nite stand with the artist

absolute useless music that ruins good music like punk and metal and im white and i respect rap music a million times more that rap
cheers ive said my peice
simple plan,backstreet boys(who r now at number 2 i believe thats fuked up)N"SYNC, nelly,britney spears, and n e person involved with idol and finally n e of you speds that r involved in the scam
by Isaac Teague August 2, 2005
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