PON (verb, noun)

Similar to pwn, but dates back to a Warcraft guild that turned the word pwn and replaced the w with an o

1. An act of dominating an opponent.
2. Flawless victory. Schooled. Lesson taught. Owned beyond conventional words, and so excited about it
3. Abbreviation for the gaming clan Phalanx of Nod
We pon'd our opponent in that arena
by Ceraphus February 15, 2010
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Someone who enjoys doing illegal things before getting caught by a VRIT.
by Barito Despacito January 16, 2021
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Astonishing young women; She herself holds strength, intelligence, and beautiful

Anyone who has a the name Pon is one in a million. They are amazing and prefect nobody what they say.
“ Pon is the best
by Liatheburrito February 10, 2021
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1. (n) a slang term with negative connotations used to berate oneself when having done something unwise. see also: "shubin", "mach shubin", and "pons mach shubin"
oh god! i can't believe i lost all that money. what a pons!
by thewifeirwin April 30, 2008
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Give a pon. It's a heavy flow day bitch!
by mykelegend October 13, 2011
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*cough* RAID Shadow Legends *cough* Squarespace *cough* NordVPN *cough* Skillshare
by Conejito Bunny December 13, 2020
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