8 definitions by Conejito Bunny

Stupid social media site that you can get cancelled off of by even slightly stating an opinion
Person: *has an opinion*
Twitter.com community: I'm about to end this mans whole career
by Conejito Bunny December 13, 2020
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lol how what how
Person 1: hi ima type random things on my keyboard
Person 2: ok
Person 1: hey bro i found qpzmalwoxnskeicbdjruvhftyg
Person 3: lol i typed the same thing wow
by Conejito Bunny December 13, 2020
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bruh you're too bored go do something else
Person 1: qpzmalwoxnskeicbdjruvhftyg
Person 2: what
Person 1: lol idk
by Conejito Bunny December 13, 2020
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You're too bored. Go do something else
Person: ima type qazplmedcoknwsxijbedcuhbrgvth
Other Person: ok
by Conejito Bunny December 15, 2020
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*cough* RAID Shadow Legends *cough* Squarespace *cough* NordVPN *cough* Skillshare
by Conejito Bunny December 13, 2020
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hey bro this is in 4k wow
i don't get it this is in 144p
that's the joke
by Conejito Bunny December 28, 2021
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