1) A multi-gender term. Mostly used to describe womenish men, but very often defines women who attract quite a few preteen girls and are thus believed to be men.

2) Someone who looks gay, acts gay, sounds gay, and smells gay; but, for some bizarre reason, isn't.

3) An actor with no talent who gains roles based on either a previously very successful film (carried entirely by talented actors, and still nearly destroyed by him) or his massive preteen girl fanbase (an Orlando Bloom fangirl can be defined by her ugly face, forty half-naked posters of the "actor", Myspace dominated by various media centered on Orlando Bloom, squealing, grunting, and her knack for arguing in the defense of Orlando Bloom in all situations- especially his sexual preferences- and votes 'down' on all Urban Dictionary entries stating the truth about him, like this one.)
1) Squeee! Orlando Bloom! She's so hot!

2) "Should we Orlando Bloom this film?" "Sure, Ang Lee, whatever you want."
by STJosh April 10, 2007
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A mediocre actor that the ladies adore because of their bisexual tendencies.
Orlando Bloom: Bend your ears to the distance, friends. I sense great danger approch...ing...uh, line please.

Peter Jackson: Cut! Approaching on the northern wind! For crying out loud, Bloom, that's your only line in the movie. How do you keep screwing that up?
by Veldrimal December 19, 2004
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An overrated actor by his fangirls, and a truly hated actor by the critics. He's had 3 flops in a row now yet his career will survive because Johnny Depp will keep him a float with POTC.

Attracts rabid fangirls who have an unrationale hate for his girlfriend.

Also attracts rabid fangirls and fanboys who will believe till their dying day that he's gay.
He's not gay, he's not talented, yes he's attractive, but no he's never going to sleep with you, he's just Orlando Bloom.
by Lisa S January 14, 2006
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An actor who is constantly slammed because everyone thinks he is a sissy and because stupid teenage girls fawn over him, but he really is a pretty nice guy if you get to know him. It's not his fault that stupid teens think he's the hottest of the hot and make him look bad.
Orlando Bloom is cool.
by Hurkle March 23, 2005
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The absolute hottest man on the planet. His two best roles were when he played Legolas in LOTR and Will Turner in Pirates of the Carribbean. Birthday is January 13, 1977. From Canterbury, England.
That guy is almost as hot as Orlando Bloom.
by ambercutie March 1, 2005
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The act of Italian Handing, then proceeding to insert up sphincter. After insertion, the hand must be opened up or spread wide. Much like a flower, highfive, or in-side out umbrella.
"It was a good night, until she gave me a quick Orlando Bloom"
by Honanana July 11, 2018
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