1- also known as semenholes, criminoles and residents of TALLY-HO!
Q: what did the gator grad say to the nole grad?
A: it's spelled defendant you fucking moron!
by heather November 9, 2004
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A combination of the word noose and hole. Noose meaning anus, of course. Nole is commonly said in public due to society's lack of knowledge of the definition.
"Hey bro let's eiffel tower that thirsty bitch over there, shotgun nole!"
by luvs2splooge69 May 20, 2010
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1. a fan of Florida State University athletics.
2. a collegian who must begin every day anew convincing himself he is getting a top-notch education which is typically accomplished by pointing more toward his college's football successes and less toward its academics.
3. a chump
speaker 1: our son was born retarded.

speaker 2: well, he can still be a nole.
by Dharma Bum April 12, 2004
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He is the Nole of the team
by poklant February 14, 2021
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1. The object of envy in higher education especially in the state of Florida but not as high as University of Florida
2. A natural elite in academics, athletics, and character but University of Florida is more leet.
3. What did the Gator say to the Nole? Nothing cause Gators dont talk to low class gay Indians.
The top 10 ranked participating schools, followed by the number of recruited Merit scholars, are:

1. Harvard University--378
2. University of Texas--258
3. Yale University--228
4. University of Florida--224
5. Stanford University-217
6. University of Chicago-182
7. Arizona State University--176
8. Rice University-173
9. University of Oklahoma-170
10. Princeton University--165

WHere's FSU? Dang. I thought Bill said they were superior to UF. WEll looks like you're wrong Bill. UF has, will and will always own FSU. STFU bitch. kthx.
by P huNgy May 18, 2004
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nole means to be kool ...
duddeeeee, ur so nole
that hat is soo nole
omg thats nole
do u no how nole that is
ur cat is NOT nole
by the #1 nole May 22, 2007
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