adj: (informal) indicating a dissatisfactory condition.
Don't bother me, Scott and I went on a bender last night and I am feeling nokay.
by -g. August 9, 2003
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A single word to describe any situation which at first seems to be going wrong and bad, then corrects itself near the end, sometimes immediately before it. Nokay situations can also be caused by coincidences or pure luck.
Billy's slapshot would have missed the net entirely had it not ricocheted off his teammates helmet at the last second, scoring. "Damn, what a nokay situation, eh?" his teammate said to him after

"NOOOooo...kay.." Sandra exclaimed as her foul ball curved in bounds just before landing
by FUGGYEW April 5, 2009
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No, okay!, but also part of a fun blog:
Mommy: Don't poke the dog with the chopsticks!
Ana: Nokay!
by No Kay February 9, 2010
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Nokay is the indecisive person’s best friend. Elongating or prolonging the pronunciation of the ‘n’ provides anticipation, tantalising the other members of the conversation who are just waiting for you to refuse or pike. Be delighted by the surprise on their faces when you whack them with the punch of a chirpy ‘okay’ at the end.
Friends of bookish homebody: We’re going to a really cool party tonight, you might actually meet the love of your life there, would you like to come?

Bookish homebody: Nnnnnnnnnnnokay!
by pkittty August 4, 2005
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A common response when you are thinking "no" to a particular question, but in mid-thought realize that you have nothing better to do, so you reply "okay". Most common when you're chillin with a chick who's only a 5 or a 6 on the scale, but you quickly remember that you're bored and horny.
Girl, "You wanna take me out tonight? You might get lucky...!"

Guy, "Hmmmm, noooooooooookay!"
by DaWeasal June 24, 2004
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