A Canadian rapper that once possessed amazing talent and rapid-fire wit. Soon to be featured in an upcoming episode of 'Where Are They Now?'. Where they will discuss how said 'talent and rapid-fire wit' have since withered away. Like the penis of a 60-year-old man. She had talent, superstardom within grasp, but she threw it all away for some stupid girl.
Don't pull a 'Nephie' and fuck it all up.
by InsightInnit March 31, 2011
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"I just met this dude at school today, a total fucking nephi."
by Watkins April 12, 2006
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one who looks like and relates to Tito from rocket power and the Ancient Hawaiians
As the Ancient Hawaiians say, Nephi looks like Tito.
by bucsfan1991 March 30, 2011
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A character from Fallout: New Vegas who is easily the best and most interesting character. He has many quotes (such as “who the fuck are you and why are you bothering me?”) but the only quote you need to know is “Get Fucked.”
Person 1: I just killed Driver Nephi in Fallout: New Vegas!
Person 2: Whar the fuck man you killed our lord and savior, so now you are going to burn in hell, good job!
by 8bitcommie August 13, 2018
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When a Mormon boy fucks the crease of your knee to stay sexually pure in the eyes of the lord. (Kneephi).
by Jonahswhale September 26, 2021
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Priest: *Ramblings about a fake Prophet*

Chad: Praise be Driver Nephi!
by Driver Nephi November 18, 2021
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